2113 25 Side Rd, Moffat, ON (directions)
519-823-5847 • info@elmtreecentre.com

The Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch Workshop ®

The Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch Workshop ®

Purpose: The Transpersonal Nature of Therapeutic Touch builds on the knowledge, skills, and insights acquired through the Foundations of Therapeutic Touch course and intuitional sensory experience) gained from regular practice, broadening the learner’s understanding of the essential elements of TT. Contemplative practices and guided reflective dialogue regarding energetic, emotional, and mental aspects of Therapeutic Touch practice enhance the learner’s self-knowledge and self-inquiry. Learners explore approaches to assisting individuals who are experiencing a variety of health challenges.

This is a 2 day workshop, 9am-5pm each day, 16 hours in class experience, plus prereading. Cost is $350. All materials included. For information or registration, contact Martha at info@elmtreecentre.com

Pre-Requisite: The Foundations of Therapeutic Touch

Recommended: 1-4 months of regular Therapeutic Touch (TT) practice (average of twice weekly) after Foundations of Therapeutic Touch ® Mentorship process with a Recognized Practitioner (RP) or Teacher (RT) Membership in a Therapeutic Touch network Regular participation in a TTNO Branch

This course of study is a pre-requisite for practitioner status.

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